Street Photography Tip #2
Hello. I'm so I forgot to post the tip every Monday like I've said but here we are again with some tip for street photographers out there. Today's topic is about lenses that we can use and which are recommended for street photography. Again, I'm not an expert and I'm just sharing what I have learnt from friends and the internet.
Shooting with prime lenses just give you a better experience and get you to think differently about most of your shots due to the fixed focal length. It forces you to focus more on the composition which means you are going to move around more often to get the subject into the proper composition. Despite of the tiredness, this can be advantageous for you because you might get a unique story as you move around and have more interactions with your subject. The most important thing about prime lenses is that it gives you a wider aperture at a cheaper price and also let you shoot more discretely. We can all agree that being discrete or stealth when you are out on the street is a great advantage when we are trying to get a shots of – people, emotions, scene – because you don’t want to scare everyone with a giant zoom lenses and ended up not getting the shot or worsts, getting told off. Its efficient, budget wise, and dope shots!
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